Monday, May 4, 2009

Interview with Etsy's Inkwear99

Lilies Tattoo shoes I first met Stacey of Inkwear99 on Etsy through the forums. We were both on a threadkiller thread, trying to win a prize. There are several of those floating around Etsy so check them out. But she had a threadkiler of her own and I ended up winning an adorable tattooed bag for being a certain number poster. It's great. You can check it out at her shop. I have also fallen in love with these tattooed shoes. May have to get them for myself. So I asked her for an interview. I hope you enjoy it.
1. When and why did you start crafting?
We started making silkscreen tshirts and totes last summer when my stepdaughter who is 12 decided she wanted to be a fashion designer. Eric, my husband had done some silkscreening in high school. So we bought the equipment and started making shirts. It also made sense to make the shirts for our tattoo shop as well. It would be much cheaper.
2. What do you enjoy most about your crafting?
I really like making new designs and putting the thoughts in our head onto a shirt or shoe.
3. How did you find out about Etsy and why did you start selling there?
I found out about etsy from Karla at heartsizedcrush.etsy. She makes tattoo inspired jewelry and we have some of her pieces on consignment at the tattoo shop.
4.. What is the hardest thing to do for your shop or you dislike the most about selling online?
I wasn't sure how well we would do, but figured our items may as well be displayed on the internet, and have more people see them. They may as well be displayed other places, rather than just in boxes in our basement.
5. Do you rely on Etsy to help pay bills or is it mainly for fun & extra spending money?
We don't really rely on Etsy for our main source of income. It is mostly just for fun. I am a Comptroller at an auto broker in the day, we own a tattoo shop, do Inkwear at nights and in my "spare" time, I am a mom and a wife.
6. Have you tried or do you sell in offline shops? Do you enjoy that more or less than Etsy & why?
We have some items at a boutique in Colorado Springs. We have about 20 items there. It is a handmade boutique, called Kabbibi Mei. It just opened last month and has been doing ok so far. We have only sold one item, but are still very hopeful.
7.Where else can you be found online?
You can check out some more of her favorites in the web ring box to the right.


The Muse said...

I always enjoy getting to know other creative people!

I think your questions were well thought out and the response were intriguing!

Glad i stopped by from Twitter!

Anonymous said...

wooooohooooo Ink has the best looking and fashionable shoes...Im still hearting the butterfly pair!