You can now advertise your Etsy shop on KayzKreationz blogspot. For the next 3 months this advertising opportunity will be only $2.50 a month for a small mini (2x2)in the footer of my blog. So try it out and drive traffic to your Etsy shops.
And please be sure to scroll down to see our advertisers and support them. Thanks.
Next to my glass, gardening is probably my biggest passion. I love to plant things and watch them grow. I even enjoy just going out and standing there with the water hose and watering them. However, my biggest battle with my garden is "GRASSHOPPERS". I'm still trying to find something that will help me win that battle. As I find things, I'll post more about them. But this post if mainly about the plants I just got. I've been wanting to try some heirloom tomatoes for a while. And since we're in San Antonio for a few day, I just went to Antique Rose Emporium and found a couple to try. I got "Cherokee Purple", "Brandywine" and a "Black Cherry" cherry tomato to try. One of the other buyers there assured me if I can win the battle of the grasshoppers, my Cherokee Purple tomato will offer up a huge plant that may cause me problems keeping staked and large, tasty tomatoes. I also got some more Mexican Marigold Mint which can be substituted for Tarragon and has the prettiest little yellow flowers and a great licorice smell, plus some yarrow, poppies, Evergreen Wisteria, Coral Bean Vine, and a Vichenbleu antique Rose. Although I prefer roses that bloom repeatedly or at least a couple of times, this one is gorgeous purple and I just couldn't resist. So I have my work cut out for me when I get home, getting the garden ready to plant and then watching for the last frost to put everything out. Will have to baby them until then. Plus get my birdfeeders recleaned, my hummingbird feeders out, my birdbath cleaned out again, and the birdhouses checked and recleaned if nothing has moved in yet. And I got a butterfly house from Andrews Reclaimed to put up for the "TONS" of butterflies I'm hoping to attract this year. See you soon.
Woohoo! I've been featured on the Redheadhomestead Blog. To read the interview and see a picture of one of my newest creations, "Ocean Meets the Sky", plus a link to my Etsy shop, KayzKreationz check out her blog. It outlines basically how and why I got started with my glass as well as some of my favorite shops on Etsy for right now. Thanks for all your support. And to add to the interview, once I got started with stained glass, I took a class in Mosaics and found a cute way to make birdbaths, birdfeeders, birdhouses, small tables and more with mosaics. A couple of years later, I took a class in glass fusing with a kiln and was hooked. The plate in my banner is just one of the pieces I've done by learning various techniques with glass and the kiln. It includes slump pattern bars, and pieces of a pot melt encased with regular pieces of glass. "I love my glass!"
Here's another great giveaway you might be interested in. If you love handmade soaps, lip butters, bath bombs, etc. you'll love this giveaway by The Muddy Moose. Check out this blog post and her shop for a chance for a great giveaway.
If you love gardening, the outdoors and wildlife, this giveaway will interest you.
About the Mason Bee Box: This garden accessory, once populated with bees, is sure to bring more fruit and vegetables to your garden, and do so in an eco-friendly way. All Bee Boxes are constructed from reclaimed cedar or fir.With these handsome Blue Orchard Bee Boxes, you can bring greater yields from your garden, and they make a great gift for anyone who enjoys gardening. Simply hang it near your garden, preferably facing East or South, in a shady spot where the box will be dampened from time to time. The stainless steel hanger hoop driven into the back at an angle in the back allows the hole entrances to face slightly downward, to prevent rainwater from entering the holes. So check out the giveaway here for you chance to win. I've got one of his butterfly houses and they're great.
And if you're looking for something else unique for your garden, check out my mosaic birdfeeder/bath which can also be used as a butterfly bath at KayzKreationz.
Howling at the Moon has some great news about a local TV station in their area doing a feature about Etsy and the handmade movement. To celebrate, she is also hosting a giveaway of this gorgeous pendant. Head on over to her blog and check it out to enter. But, don't forget, the pendant is already mine. :)
And if you're looking for some unique glass items for your home or garden check out KayzKreationz at either Etsy or Artfire.
Well, the marketing exchange is over. I've been promoting other great Etsy shops since November, sometimes forgetting to promote my own. So now that it's over, I need to figure out what to do with my blog, twitter, plumdrop, etc. I've got several things I'm kicking around in my head. We just came back from San Diego for a business trip for my husband and my 2 boys and daughter-in-law went with us. It was a great little mini vacation with the family after the conference. I hadn't been to San Diego in over 30 years. We drove up to La Jolla and while there saw some seals in the Children's Pool. It was kind of a dreary day, but lots of fun. Later we went to see Point Loma and the Lighthouse. Then we went to the San Diego zoo. And before we came home we played Disc Golf. I hadn't played in about 8-10 years. It was loads of fun, although none of us were very good. More on this later with pictures.
I've been thinking of continuing promoting an Etsy or Artfire shop once a week or every other week or so with a couple of their items in my "KayzKreationz" Web ring on the right. And I've been considering hosting a giveaway. If any of you have any ideas or suggestions, just leave a comment and let me know. More later.
I always wanted to be able to draw, but I can't. Not even stick people. I've tried drawing, painting, etc. About the only thing I can do well when it comes to art, is color well. :) I do love to color. But the shop today has some fantastic artwork. She's got original prints she draws herself and prints like the two in the box on the left. And as most of you know, I LOVE horses, so of course one of my favorites is the horse drawing. But the print of her two little kitties is so adorable, I just had to feature it too. So check out Softpencil and see what other great prints and artwork she has that you might just fall in love with.
Brass Brooch with Enamel Disc/Glass Headpins/Ribbon/Gear/Arrow. It can be yours for 17.50 plus $5 shipping
A Little Bit Vintage Brooch
Looking for that unique piece of jewelry? This is it. See the picture above for a OOAK piece of jewelry and click the buy now button below to make it yours.
My hubby and I sold our business of 30 years, and now I'm trying to develop a small business with my glass.
We have a small property in Texas where we do wildlife management.
I always wanted to learn to do glass so a few years ago I took a class at a local community college and loved it. Shortly thereafter I took a mosaics class and liked that too. Then a year or so I took a fused glass class and fell in love with it. I've since added beading to my repertoire. I especially love working with wire and copper and like either making small jewelry pieces or using my beading to add to my Glass Kreationz.
Since I love gardening and Texas things many of my things will have to do with Home and Garden or Texas themes. Check them out at:
And check out my website showing things either done as gifts for someone or sold and is currently being updated.